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Russia In The Second World War: In Pictures:1941


It was not in fact the children of democracy (Western Allies) who fought an essential broke the back of the Wehrmacht, it was the Red Army. Something 90 percent of the effective strength of the Wehrmacht was engaged by the Red Army. Now it is true that in 1939 and 40 Stalin and the Red Army were essential German Allies and the defeat of the French Army would have been much more difficult without the NAZI-Soviet Non-aggression Pact (1939). Even so, beginning in June 1941 it was primarily the Red Army which engaged. Without the success of the Red Army at Moscow (December 1941), Stalingrad (January 1943), Kursk (July 1943), the decimation of German Army Group Central (1944), and other engagements, D-Day and the victory in France would have never been possible.

June 22, 1941
On a Moscow Street. The announcement that Germany Had attacked Russia

 SPEECH ON THE RADIO THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE People's Commissars of the USSR and the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs LLC. B. M.  MOLOTOV
 June 22, 1941
Today, at 4 am, without showing any claims in the Soviet Union without declaring war, Germany's troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and its aircraft bombed our cities - Zhitomir, Kiev, Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others ...
The Red Army and all our people once again lead a victorious patriotic war for their country, for honor, for freedom ...
Our cause is just.  The enemy will be defeated.  Victory will be ours.

 Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Mobilization liable for military service

 Mobilization is to be liable for military service, born from 1905 to 1918 inclusive. The first day of mobilization to consider June 23, 1941 ...

 Kremlin, Moscow.
June 22, 1941.

 Summary of the High Command of the Red Army

In the afternoon, Germany's troops met the advance units of the field of the Red Army.  After fierce fighting, the enemy was repulsed with heavy losses.… But at the Grodno and Kristynopolskom directions enemy was able to achieve minor tactical successes ...

 June end, 1941
 Red Army men on the way to the front. Seems like a propaganda picture. Otherwise these men would not be smiling. Or may be they did not know how bad the things were going to be ...

July first week, 1941. Men on the way to the front.

Mid July. Russian soldiers at the front

Mid August. 1941. A Russian anti-aircraft unit waits for the German planes

End August. A Russian interrogates a burly German POW

First week of September. Russian soldiers relax at a garrison

Mid September. Russian soldiers at a village.

Mid September. Russians on the move

September end. Men of the Russian Navy wear gas masks. There were reports that the Germans were going to use poison gas.

September end. A Russian gun booms.

First week of October: Russian soldiers crawl forward. The news from all the fronts were bad. The German war machine seemed unstoppable

Mid October. The Germans were coming fast. Digging defensive trenches on the outskirts of Moscow.

End of October. Russians soldiers taking positions in Moscow.

November, 1941. The Germans were knocking on Moscow's doors. Russian soldiers parade on the Red Square before going to fight the Germans. The Battle for Moscow changed the face of the war. Yes, even before Stalingrad happened.

 Mid November, 1941. Building barricades in Rostov.

 Mid November. Women guerrilla fighters. These fighters later created a big headache for the Germans

Mid December, 1941.  Putting the injured into an ambulance in Moscow

 December, 1941. Defending Moscow

 December 1941. Russian air force pilots scramble to get into their aircraft

1 comment:

  1. I think the August photo is incorrect. Those guys look very cold and are wearing winter uniforms.
