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HISTORY OPINION POLL 3: "Were German soldiers during WW2 the best fighters in history?"

Some historians, such as British author and ex-newspaper editor Max Hastings, consider that "... there's no doubt that man for man, the German army was the greatest fighting force of the second world war". Similar views were also expressed in his book Overlord: D-Day and the battle for Normandy, while in the book World War II : An Illustrated Miscellany, Anthony Evans writes: "The German soldier was very professional and well trained, aggressive in attack and stubborn in defence. He was always adaptable, particularly in the later years when shortages of equipment were being felt"
From Wikipedia 

Many think that the German soldiers during World War Two were the best fighters history has ever seen. Do you agree?

HISTORY POLL 3: "Were WW2 German soldiers best fighters in history?"

Result Of The Poll:


1101 (59%)

753 (40%)

Votes Polled: 1854



  1. German soldiers proved to be subhumans who started two world wars and lost em both

  2. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire was shout while in a parade by a radical Serbian Nationalist, Gavrillo Princip, who was part of the "Black Hand", who had been planning a large assassination. When this happened Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, because Serbian had been pissing them off in the past. In response to Austria Hungary declaring war on Serbia, Russia supported Serbian expansion and declared war on Austria Hungary. In the past Germany signed documents with Austria Hungary that agreed that they would back each other up if one got in a war. So, since that automatically puts Germany on Austria Hungary's side, Russian and all the allies declared war on Germany. Since the closest Ally to Germany was France, the Germans knew they had to quickly defeat France, in order to avoid a two front war. The reason I called France an Ally is because, France was part of the "Allies" and Germany and Austria Hungary were part of the "Central Powers."When the war was over the Allies encouraged harsh terms on Germany and attacked it as if it alone had caused the whole war. Post WW1 and Pre WW2 Germany was constantly getting beat up on, which eventually led to the rise of Hitler. Go to YouTube and watch "Becoming HItler" part 1 and 2 if you have the time. Here's the link to part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hEG-5_9nK4 and here's the link to part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqPc93Pvs0U Hope you watch and learn. Thanks for taking the time to even read this.
