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History Poll No. 2: "Was The Mass Rape Of German Women Justified IN ANY WAY In 1945"?

Excerpts from Rape Of German Women In 1945
Stalin said people should ' understand it if a soldier who has crossed thousands of kilometres through blood and fire and death has fun with a woman or takes some trifle'.

Vodka played a role, of course, but the worst of the behaviour was fuelled by sheer hatred and aggression, as well as a cold-hearted sense of deterrence for the future.

'It's absolutely clear that if we don't really scare them now, there will be no way of avoiding another war in future,' one Red Army soldier wrote at the time.

What do you think of this justification?



Taste of revenge. Someone choose Hitler, someone salute him on the streets since '30. If we compare this what Germans makes with Russians (they didn't take Russian prisoners)soldiers and civils. In Poland we saying "who fighting of sword, dying of sword". If we look on this in aspects of nation we can understand whole machine of brutality. From river Bug this same fate meet Polish womans, this same as Germans. Russian soldiers where mainly from asiatic regions, wild sons of the desert + after and in strong influence of political officers which heat up in them need of revenge. Also under a strong pression, because they could be shot in back from political commando soldiers ("enemy at the gates" showing this clearly in first minutes of the movie). Answer on this question is very hard because from one side we have war machine, from other single unit in a person of female sex. We should realize that they get all, from 4-5 year old kid to very old grand mom. Soon will be in Poland movie ("Rose from Mazurian")about this what Russians done on the north of Poland - I recommend it.


(Total votes cast: 428)
Yes: 51 (11%)
Somewhat: 29 (6%)
No: 365 (82%)


  1. Taste of revenge. Someone choose Hitler, someone salut him on the streets since '30. If we compare this what Germans makes with Russians (they didn't take Russian prisoners)soldiers and civils. In Poland we saying "who fighting of sword, dying of sword". If we look on this in aspects of nation we can understand whole machine of brutality. From river Bug this same fate meet Polish womans, this same as Germans. Russian soldiers where mainly from asiatic regions, wild sons of the desert + after and in strong influence of political oficers which heat up in them need of revenge. Also under a strong pression, because they couldbe shot in back from political commando soldiers ("enemy at the gates" showing this clearly in first minutes of the movie). Answer on this question is very hard because from one side we have war machine, from other single unit in a person of female sex. We should realize that they get all, from 4-5 year old kid to very old grandmom. Soon will be in Poland movie ("Rose from Mazurian")about this what Russians done on the north of Poland - I recommend it.

  2. Nothing justifies the mistreatment of a person. Not even revenge. It's immoral, cruel, and sadistic and no better than the massacres.

    Rape is not something to be taken lightly. It's estimated that of the thousands of suicides, 1/10 of them were committed by women who were raped by invading forces.

    There is a difference between justice and animal brutality.

  3. Несомненно то что преступления РККА РКФ НКВД и т п в отношении граждан все таки были..... по этому поводу есть ряд приказов направленных на пресечение и профилактику данных преступлений.... но , с легкой руки Бжезинского , Запад явно спекулирует этими прецидентами в своей тенденции к " переписыванию" истории , и истории 2 МВ в частности, в устранении результатов Ялты и Потсдама , что по моему мнению кощунственно и оскорбительно .....

  4. Rape is NEVER justified. This is why it is a crime, including now -- finally -- a war crime.

    It is appalling that anyone could think so. I am also appalled that this question could be asked as a legimate query on a survey: it is not a debatable question, any more than any other issue of human rights is debatable.

    KM, Toronto, Canada

  5. I understand that the Germans were ruthless to the soviets, but 2 wrongs dont make a right.

  6. Elite Soldiers do not partake in ritual abuse of women and children the percentages speak for themselves and it as to be noted the Red Army does good justification by its post war atrocities to the weakest of the the weak as to why ordinary folks all over Europe joined sides with the Germans particularly in the Waffen SS.
    Unfortunately it turned out all the "propogander" was indeed true, worst they outdid themselves a true testomoney of a bitter cruel victors baseness.

  7. Propaganda is such a powerful tool in the hands of victors that the bestial mindlessness of such a horrid question can only be overpowered in repulsiveness by the act itself ! The Slavic Asiatic Horde that invaded Berlin seemed more akin to packs of wild hyenas set loose in an oasis of academia where politely well mannered high civility had thrived in peace for millenia within a culture of dignity and of architectural mastery ingrained with respect and honor ! To have allowed these miscreants to have their way with cultured ladies wives mothers aunts teachers doctors bakers housewives in full view of infants and children Elders and the disabled and disfigured veterans who tried despite their wounds to stop them and were shot in the street was as if some oaf had set the Louvre on fire and everybody was forced to watch it,s sacred treasures burn into firedust? Revenge played no part in this greek tragedy of epic proportions but rather it was the perverted reptilian brains of the Reds fabricated by that fat evil semite from northern Anatolia and his debauched imagination running wild while his tools did also ! Many of these innocents committed suicide breakdowns taking place beforehand while their homes and cultural landmarks were pounded into dust day and night losing everyone they already loved to bombings and distant wars beforehand only to be taken by some disgusting parasite in an alley or bathroom floor was enough for such dignified harmonious Women to just end their lives for this was their hell encouraged by the Allies and debauched by the Reds ! No i can hardly begin to even think for a momentary pause that rape could be justified by any Peoples Army for that matter who claim final victory where the true differences in real soldiers would be a warrior would bask in the glow of victory and act gallant in knowing his battle was over where the insect would attack and devour the enemies young and Old while looking to rape a German Woman in full bloom of youth to death .......

  8. I am disgusted that this question, in all it's sexism, is being asked in 2013. Violence against women and children, including rape, is never justified, they were CIVILIANS. Is shooting a two year old in the head justified? How is an eight year old girl responsible for the politics of a nation? Consider the French rapists - too spineless to fight the war, but arrogant enough to join in the war crimes upon 'liberation'...

  9. How can you expect a person who has lost his home, his hometown burnt down, his children killed, his wife raped or murdered, his parents killed, his neighbors burnt in their homes, his friends blown to pieces in front of his eyes, fighting for his life for years in swamps and forests to keep his humanity?

    I am not surprised that not everyone did.

  10. Тогда сравните с другим фильмом "Иди и смотри" (Come And See):

  11. Its difficult to judge what people did in WWII by todays standards of morality. Perhaps if we suffered like the Russians did at the hands of Nazi Germany we would feel different and have less sympathy for those Germans who supported the Nazi's.

  12. US and British soldiers also raped women French, German. See Miriam Gebhardt's book. For political reasons only Russian men were accused and it flies in the face of logic that young American men in Europe would act as chaste monks when in Europe.
