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ANCIENT INDIA was ORIGIN of ALL CIVILIZATIONS (by Western Scholars Pasi Malmi & Tommaso Iorco 2024)

AS I SAY, Ancient India (Bharat Sanatan IVC / Sarasvati Tamil) was ORIGIN of all Civilizations worldwide (NOW Western Scholars have started to acknowledge): 1. According to this study, one or more cultures of the Indian Subcontinent disseminated genes, words, names, symbols, customs, and artefact styles towards Western Europe 3000–50 BCE. One possible route for the diffusion of influence would have been the Mediterranean Sea. This route is supported by historical sources, according to which there was a canal that connected the Red Sea to the Nile sporadically 1850–50 BCE and according to which some Indians had sailed to Germania ~50 BCE. Historical sources also report Indigetean colonies such as Indika in northern Iberia. In addition, there seem to be lexical similarities between the Basque language and the Dravidian languages, which indicates migration of loanwords from India to Iberia, although the descent of words from an unknown proto-language is also possible. 2. All of these findings, however, can be also explained by migrations from India to Western Europe via the sea route around Africa. According to archaeological evidence, this route advanced from India to East Africa 3000–2500 BCE. Based on the Genetic Atlas of Human Admixture History there would have been migrations between India and East Africa 3000-1850 BCE, and from the coasts of the Indian Ocean to Namibia ~850 BCE, Morocco ~710 BCE, and Western Europe 710–38 BCE. This route matches with Philostratus according to whom the Indians founded 60 cities to Sub-Saharan Africa 1550–1070 BCE. In addition, the migrations around Africa are supported by linguistic data, according to which Dravidian words and linguistic features migrated to East Africa at the beginning of the first millennium BCE and to West Africa at some point of time 3000–500 BCE. After these migrations, an Indian colony still existed at the Atlantic coast of Sub-Saharan Africa ~50 BCE, according to Juba of Numidia. The connection between India and West Africa is supported by the similar HLA genes of the Nadar (southern India) and the Fulani (West Africa). #Indonordicassociation(dot)org

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